game design game design

Why should we choose game design as a career in 2023?

Game designing is concerned with the process of ideating, designing and creating game architecture, its various elements such as story, character, mechanics, VFX, sound and user interface etc. Game designing is continuously evolving and hence requires game designers to stay updated with technology, design trends, consumer preferences as well as their psychology etc. Game Designers work with various teams such as developers, audio engineers and graphic designers etc. so as to give life to their vision of developing an engaging and immersive game. Game Designers not only have to ensure that developed game is available on multiple platforms and can be updated easily but also whether it’s economically feasible.  

Table of Contents


  • By 2022, Indian Gaming market was at $2.8 billion. It is anticipated to rise at CAGR of 28-30% to reach a projected $5 billion.
  • The number of gamers in India are expected to jump to 500 million by 2025, from 420 million in 2022.
  • India boasts of being the second largest gaming community in the world.
  • India accounts for a staggering 50.2% of the total gaming population in Asia-10
  • With growth rate of 31.9% in revenues, India is the fastest growing market in terms of revenue
  • The Play-to-Earn NFT games sector is predicted to reach USD 3618.4 million by 2028 from USD 755 million in 2021, thus showcasing immense growth.

Thus Gaming Industry presents huge career prospects. We are listing some of the opportunities that you can choose from post completion of Game design course:

Job Roles:

  • Application Developer: He comprehends the client’s brief and accordingly determines software requirements, thereby creates functional programming codes for business application. He must be adept in atleast one computer language and usually operate within a particular development specialisations like graphics software or mobile phone applications or accounting software or office suites. 
  • Multimedia Specialists: Utilizing his technical proficiencies and artistic capabilities, he designs multimedia applications and products by combining text, graphics, photography, digital animation, audio, video and virtual reality etc. These are applied to multiple platforms such as PCs, TVs, gaming devices & mobile phones etc. Additionally, he specializes in functionality, testing and resolving any technical challenges.
  • Game Animator: He uses his creative & technical prowess in use of range of technologies like 3D, 2D, stop-motion etc. to breathe life into the situations, environments & characters etc. He partners with Graphic Artists, Sketch Artists, Game artists etc. to design frames using hand drawn images, still images or digital pictures etc. These frames, when arranged in a sequence, create an illusion of movement, thereby resulting in development of engaging animations within the gaming context.  
  • Game Audio Engineer: To develop immersive engaging game, soundtrack & audio effects play an essential role. The demand for Audio engineer has further enhanced owing to the growth of open-ended gaming experiences. To captivate the target audience, he comprehends the goal & essence of the game, the target audience and the genre etc. while designing the sound effect.
  • VFX artist: He manipulates lighting, shadows & object along with using computer generated imagery to bring creatures, characters & environment etc. alive.

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