How CBT Can Help With Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

Traditional sleep aids are not effective for everyone and can be habit-forming. CBT for insomnia is an effective treatment that can help you change your beliefs and behaviors about sleeping.

CBT Cannabinoids Reduce Anxiety

While THC and CBD are household names, there is a large number of related cannabinoids that receive little or no attention. These include compounds such as CBT, which recently gained attraction among hemp vendors and consumers. Like CBN, CBT is a rare but naturally occurring cannabinoid in hemp. It helps prevent some of the psychoactive effects of THC, and it is currently undergoing a lot of research.

The molecule structure of the CBT cannabinoid is very similar to that of THC, but unlike THC, it has two oxygen atoms added. This makes it non-psychoactive and may help to reduce anxiety. While it can be found alone in hemp products, most companies combine it with CBD or CBG to create more effective blends. When combined with CBD, users feel energizing effects that make them feel focused and on top of their game. 

CBT Cannabinoids Reduce Stress

CBT, also known as vinylidene-cannabis and C10-ethoxy cannabinol, helps with insomnia. Often found in hemp products alongside CBD or other cannabinoids, it enhances the effects of those compounds and creates a synergy of therapeutic benefits. In one study, 56 young adults with insomnia were randomized to either six sessions of CBT or sleep hygiene education via telemedicine. They self-reported their sleep quality, daytime functioning, and cannabis use before and after treatment. 

CBT Cannabinoids Reduce Pain

CBT can be used to lessen discomfort as well. A PTSD patient research discovered that CBD decreased nightmares and enhanced sleep. Additionally, it reduces activity in the amygdala, a brain region responsible for controlling panic attacks and paranoia. A small amount of research shows that CBT might be helpful for people with PTSD. Another study found that cannabis might help with depression and anxiety. It’s also thought to prevent breast cancer. CBT is a rare cannabinoid, but it’s getting more attention as minor cannabinoids like CBN catch the interest of researchers and hemp consumers alike. Most hemp products containing CBT include CBD and CBG. It’s usually provided in distillate form, and it’s honey-like in color and texture. Anecdotal reports suggest that CBT is non-intoxicating and has a calming effect. People who try a CBD: CBT ratio report that it energizes them and increases focus without making them feel shaky.

CBT Cannabinoids Reduce Depression

CBT is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid with sleep-enhancing properties. Its molecular structure is very similar to THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) but doesn’t cause psychoactive effects as THC does. Because of this, it is commonly found in hemp products alongside CBD and other cannabinoids to enhance the therapeutic effects of a hemp product. This is called the entourage effect.

Studies have shown that CBD can reduce insomnia by decreasing the time to fall asleep and reducing nighttime awakenings. It also increases slow-wave sleep, the restorative type needed to maintain good health.

Insomnia can be caused by stress, aging, physical illness, and some medications. Depression and anxiety can also interfere with a good night’s sleep, causing sadness and a lack of motivation. Luckily, a good night’s sleep can help with depression and insomnia. Combined with cognitive behavioral therapy, cannabis can treat both conditions and improve sleep quality. This allows people to wake up refreshed and ready to face the day instead of yawning in frustration or spending hours on their phones scrolling social media.

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