6 Most Common Opioid Addictions That Require Professional Treatment 6 Most Common Opioid Addictions That Require Professional Treatment

6 Most Common Opioid Addictions That Require Professional Treatment

Opioids are drugs intended to relieve pain, but so many times, people tend to misuse these drugs. Overdosing on opioids could be fatal, so opioid abuse is taken very seriously. Most people start with a prescription, but then they get used to the feeling of taking those drugs, and they become addicted.

There are various types of opioids. Some are used as medication, while others are hard drugs. Whichever it is, abusing it could be detrimental to your health. It is essential to pay close attention to your loved ones so that you can take immediate action once you notice addiction.

Opioid Addictions That Require Opioid Treatment Programs

1. Oxycodone-Prescription Opioid

Oxycodone, also known as OxyContin, is prescribed by doctors for pain. However, many people abuse the drug because its effects are almost similar to those you get when you take heroin.

It is very easy to get addicted to a drug that gives you a relaxing feeling of no pain and start using it even when you do not feel it. An overdose of the drug can cause death, so anyone with an oxycodone addiction should go to an opioid treatment center before it worsens.

2. Hydrocodone-Prescription Opioid

Hydrocodone is also called Vicodin and has the same effect of changing how your body responds to pain. Doctors will prescribe the drug to people in severe pain until they have healed from whatever was causing it. Hydrocodone addiction can be dangerous, and anyone addicted to the drug should join opioid treatment programs.

3. Morphine-Prescription Opioid

Morphine is a common pain drug used for pain management. You can take it as a tablet or inject it into your body for faster effects. However, most addicts will inject this drug into their bodies even when they are not experiencing any physical pain because of its calming effects. It is a dangerous habit that needs attention when you find out someone has been abusing morphine.

4. Methadone-Prescription Opioid

Methadone is a synthetic opioid used for pain management and as a treatment for opioid use disorder. It is effective when used as prescribed but could have severe effects if used outside the prescription. Anyone with a methadone addiction should join opioid treatment programs.

5. Heroine-Illegal Drug

Heroin is an illegal drug that you can find on the streets selling at a very high value. It is made from morphine and can also be used for pain but in a recommended dosage. It is also a very highly addictive drug that most people are in opioid treatment programs.

6. Fentanyl-Synthetic Opioid

Fentanyl is a very powerful pain killer. It is approved and recommended for patients experiencing extreme pain, like cancer patients, as it is almost 100 times more powerful than morphine. However, some people take advantage of its power and use it for pleasure, which leads to addiction.


All the above opioids are pretty addictive and can cause serious health issues if the addicted person does not go through opioid treatment programs. Sometimes drug abuse is not intentional, but you should take action when you realize you are addicted.

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