First Year of Your Baby's Life First Year of Your Baby's Life

How to Not Waste the First Year of Your Baby’s Life (It Goes Quickly!)

It’s hard to believe, but the first year of your baby’s life goes by quickly. Before you know it, your little one will be a toddler. That’s why it’s important to make the most of this time. Here are some tips on how to not waste the first year of your baby’s life!

Learn How to Say No

During the early days, you will be bombarded with advice from well-meaning family and friends. While it’s important to take some of this advice, you also need to learn how to say no. Not everything will work for your family, and that’s okay. Trust your instincts and do what works best for you and your new family.

Also, everybody you know will ask to visit and hold the baby. Understandably, they want to meet the new addition, but it can be overwhelming. You can set boundaries by saying no to visitors or by having people come over at certain times. Don’t forget that you also deserve and need time with your baby.

Take Lots of Pictures

It might seem like you’re taking a million pictures of your baby, but trust me, you’ll want them. They grow so quickly and change so much in the first year; you’ll want to remember every little detail. With pictures, you can eventually get them printed in a photo book or make a collage to hang on the wall.

First-year milestone markers are fun, but they’re not the only way to document your baby’s life. You can also take a picture every day, week, or month. It’s up to you, but just make sure you’re taking pictures.

Record Videos

Along with pictures, videos are a great way to document your baby’s first year. You can record their first steps, first words, and all their other little milestones. Again, you can do this however often you want, but try to at least get a few videos of your baby during their first year. Later, you will want to look back at these videos (and so will they as they grow older!).

Improve Your Comfort and Recovery

Sadly, many new mothers don’t enjoy the first few weeks of parenthood because they’re in so much pain from childbirth…but it doesn’t have to be this way. There are things you can do to improve your comfort and recovery. For example, get a perineal cold pack to help with the pain and swelling in your perineum (the area between your vagina and anus). You can also take a sitz bath (a shallow warm water bath) to help with healing. And, of course, make sure to get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids, and eat a healthy diet.

Furthermore, consider numbing spray, Belly Bandit belly wraps, cooling pads, and more. These products can help you heal, feel better, and get back to your life sooner.

Enjoy Family Time

Whatever work arrangement you and your partner have, make sure to take some time off together to enjoy your new baby. The first few weeks especially will be a blur, and you’ll both be sleep-deprived and feeling hormonal. But try to take a step back and just enjoy this time as a family. It’s so precious and goes by in the blink of an eye. You don’t want your partner to return to work and realise that you didn’t enjoy the period as much as you should have.

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