kitty kitty

Cat Care 101: 5 Basic Health and Care Tips to Keep Your Kitty Happy and Healthy

Little paws, whiskers, cute pink little tongue, and endless purrs– cats are the cutest! 

Cats are comforting, playful, and affectionate, but that isn’t the only reason you should pet them. What makes felines a perfect companion is that they are known to help humans relax and feel better

But how do you unleash their therapeutic powers? The answer is simple: play with your cat as much as possible and make efforts to keep it healthy.

Be it a kitty or a senior cat, cats are relatively low-maintenance, unlike dogs. But as a first-time cat owner, it could be challenging to understand the measures you should take to keep your cat healthy. 

But getting on the right foot is important. And that’s why we’ve curated this guide, wherein we’ll let out five basic health and care tips to help you take the best care of your kitten. 

Ready to learn them? Keep reading, then! 

5 Basic Health and Care Tips to Keep Your Kitty Happy and Healthy

Below are mentioned X tips that you must follow in order to keep your cat happy and healthy:

1. Comb Your Cat Everyday

Sure, cats do groom themselves every day, but you must also groom them by grooming them daily. 

Combing them daily prevents mats from developing, especially if your cat has long hair. Besides, brushing your cats’ fur regularly minimizes the ball of hair that forms in their digestive tract as loose hairs are removed. 

For cats above one year old, Revolution Plus for cats sold by PetCareRx, an online store for pet products and medications, helps kill fleas and ticks. This 6-in-1 topical solution also treats hookworms, ear mites, and roundworms and prevents heartworm diseases. As for the dosage, it’s best to consult a veterinarian because it depends on the weight and health of the cat. 

Besides Revolution Plus, PetCareRx also deals in all kinds of pet food, vitamins, and supplements for all medical conditions of cats and dogs. First-time pet parents can refer to the wellness section on its website, which contains informative guides on medication, breed, and products. 

2. Provide Your Cats With Fresh Water 24/7

Never should you provide your cat with tap water, as it could lead to several health issues like kidney disease and urinary tract infection. Always fill their water bowl with filtered water and clean them every day. 

Bear in mind that felines are quite picky when it comes to drinking water. Like, they tend to drink from the sink or paw at their bowl. If you observe your cats doing such things, there’s a high likelihood that they prefer moving water over still water. 

Investing in a pet fountain will be the best way to provide your cat with clean and flowing water. This way, it will drink more water and keep itself hydrated than it would with still water. 

3. Clean the Litter Box Regularly

Just like humans, cats do not like dirty restrooms, so you should clean their litter box every day. 

If you fail to do so, your cat will skip using the litter box and pee on the carpet or other items in your home. Scooping the litter box once every day is recommended, while you should clean it thoroughly once every week. 

Pet parents who don’t have time to clean the litter box every day must opt for a self-cleaning litter box. While saving you from the task of scooping it daily, a self-cleaning litter box will provide your cat with a clean bathroom. 

Even then, if your cat doesn’t use the litter box, you shouldn’t delay consulting a vet, as it could be a sign of an underlying medical issue. 

4. Keep Plants Away From Your Feline Family Member

Not all, but a few outdoor and house plants are dangerous for your feline family member. Among the plants that are detrimental to the well-being of cats are oleander, tulip bulbs, azalea, and chrysanthemum. 

In particular, you should keep lilies away from your cats because they are poisonous. Your cat will fall sick badly if exposed to it. Therefore, it’s best to avoid bringing lily plants into the home or grow them in the garden. 

5. Get Your Kitten Vaccinated

Vaccines protect cats from several health issues, which is why you should get them vaccinated as soon as possible. Even indoor cats must be vaccinated in order to protect them from contagious diseases that can result in death. 

Feline caliciviruses, feline panleukopenia virus, and rabies virus are some important vaccines for your cat. Prior to getting them vaccinated, make sure to consult a veterinarian to know which one would be right for them. 

Enhance the Lifespan of Your Cat by Taking Proper Care of Them 

If you want to enhance the lifespan of your cat and keep them safe from numerous health issues, you’ll have to take proper care of them. 

Grooming them regularly, getting their vaccination done regularly, and feeding them healthy food and fresh filtered water are a few simple ways to keep them healthy. Also, schedule regular checkups to ensure they aren’t suffering from any underlying medical issues. 

And remember to shower them with lots of love and kisses daily! 

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