Herpes Herpes

Can You Get Herpes from a Towel? [Live with HSV Guide]

Herpes is a common STI with two basic types, including HSV-1 and HSV-2. Sexually transmitted infections increase day by day, especially herpes. HSV-1 refers to oral herpes, and HSV-2 is genital herpes. Both herpes infections are transmitted through direct contact with skin or fluids like saliva, semen, and vaginal secretions.

Now many couples also have a query that can herpes transmit through towels? In rare cases, herpes transmits through objects like toothbrushes, towels, lipstick, or crockeries like cups and spoons. The herpes virus can not survive on porous substances like towel surfaces. So you will not get oral or genital herpes through a towel if your partner has symptoms. No STD stigma, but this is the truth.

You can get the germs from dirty towels, but herpes is a sexually transmitted infection.

Facts about herpes

Herpes is an infection, and now there is a stigma about it. Usually, genital herpes also has mild symptoms like some skin conditions and does not transmit to another partner.

However, here are some facts that you should know about herpes and clear your mind that it will not transfer to you from others or your partner by using a dirty towel.

  • According to studies, one in every six people has genital herpes, and most don’t know about it. So it is not widespread on hard surfaces.
  • Herpes will not pass through towels or other substances as it is a sexually transmitted infection. It gives to another person through infected areas like sex, kissing, and others. So it is wise to stop your romantic life and focus on treatment to prevent other partners. Moreover, it is also advisable to stop sharing towels as they may have direct contact with herpes outbreak and transmit to you.
  • Herpes usually starts showing symptoms after one or two weeks. So both oral and genital herpes can transmit from one person to another even if you do not notice any visible symptoms and sores. Antiviral therapies are the best solution for reducing the transmission of herpes.
  • It is a skin condition that you can manage through practical measures. Ensure to stop sharing towels, glosses, lipsticks, and other items that have direct contact with sores or lesions of infected persons.

How does herpes transmit from one person to another?

Initially, it is essential to know the transmission possibilities of herpes from one person to another. Both types of herpes transmitted through skin-to-skin contact or direct contact with body fluids like saliva, semen, or vaginal secretions.

  • Oral herpes or HSV-1 will transmit through saliva or cold sores around the lips. However, the oral spread is due to kissing an HSV-1-positive person.
  • Genital herpes or HSV-2 transmits through direct contact with skin or intimate relations.

So both types of herpes will not transmit through towel sharing unless your partner has bloody or fluid lesions. Therefore it is advisable to stop sharing the towels or other items as soon as you come to know about positive herpes reports of your partner. The dirty towels also contain germs that can make you ill. If you want to learn more about it, check positive singles. My Positive singles will provide you with all the information that you need. Click here at positivesingless.com to learn it all even better and all clear.

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