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Enhancing Workplace Safety With Commercial Floor Polishing Services

Developing a company-wide safety culture is vital to reducing workplace accidents and property damage. The goals should include eliminating all incidents that result in employee injury or loss of work time and lowering the incidence of property damage. This should be a company-wide effort, including leadership, management, and frontline employees. Regular meetings that communicate expectations, procedures and other related data should be held.

Reduces Risk of Slips and Falls

Slips and falls are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries. In addition to the physical impact of these accidents, they can also cost facilities big money in lost productivity and insurance claims. Faulty housekeeping, contaminated floors and defective floor surfaces are all implicated in these incidents. Regular and effective cleaning to remove contamination reduces these risks. Concrete and epoxy floors can be treated with grit to increase friction and prevent slipping. Other options include chemical etching and abrasive floor coatings. The most effective solution, however, is to have your floors polished regularly. This process creates a high shine that helps to repel dirt and scuffs, so they stay cleaner longer. This, in turn, decreases the need for frequent and expensive deep cleans.

Reduces Dirt and Debris

A clean workspace conveys that your business cares about its environment and customers. Dirty floors reflect poorly on the company and can cause potential clients to doubt working with it. Regular commercial floor polishing Jackson Heights NY, services will help keep dirt and debris from being tracked. It also allows spot areas of land that need special attention, such as cracks or worn spots in the flooring material. Buffing involves using a buffing machine to smooth out the appearance of your floor and give it an overall shine. Depending on your flooring type, this process may require using different pads and chemicals that are best left to professionals. This is especially true for concrete floors processed to a high gloss.

Increases the Value of Your Property

How a property looks can impact workplace culture, from the CEO walking into an office covered in coffee spills and paperclips to workers tripping over an unswept industrial floor. A company’s appearance matters and polished concrete floors make a great impression on customers in a hospital lobby or automotive dealership and can boost employee morale in an industrial warehouse. Polished floors reflect light well, making it easier for employees to see where they’re going while working. Regular cleaning also helps keep directional symbols and warnings on the floor visible, further improving workplace safety. The long-term durability of polished floors and their easy cleanability also lead to labor savings in terms of time and energy spent on maintenance. This contributes to a better bottom line for businesses.

Reduces Maintenance Costs

The dark, porous concrete floors of warehouses and factories can cause dust to accumulate in ventilation systems. This leads to dirty air filters that require more cleaning and expensive electricity bills. Polishing the concrete reduces dust and cuts down on maintenance costs. In addition, polished floors are reflective, allowing more natural light to enter the space and decreasing energy costs. Many businesses spend 17% of their utility bills on lighting, so any reduction in energy usage will save money and cut down on utility costs. Most polished floors need only regular maintenance: a dry mopping and periodic washings. 

Increases Employee Satisfaction

Employees who feel satisfied with their jobs report being healthier and more productive. That’s why a first-rate company culture is so important—and something as simple as a clean floor can help foster that kind of environment. Dirty floors can easily create a dangerous situation for your employees, such as slipping on a soda spill or running into a piece of equipment they can’t see. Those incidents are costly for the time off and healthcare costs they cost your employees and the damage to your building structures and inventory. Polished concrete floors reflect lighting and brighten the area, making it easier for your employees to see where they’re going. That helps reduce safety hazards and accidents that can slow down productivity.

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