drug crime drug crime

Drug Crime 101: Understanding the Charges You Face

When it comes to criminal cases that end up in the courtroom, there are a number of common types that pop up, with drug cases being one of these. Finding yourself charged with a drug crime can be a concerning experience, especially considering how wide in breadth the punishment can be for these charges. Therefore, it’s worth learning everything there is to know about drug crimes, including the common types, in order to be better prepared for trial. 

What is a Drug Crime?

For those who may be unfamiliar with the broad term of a drug crime, it is any crime which deals with the use, possession, or distribution of illegal and controlled substances. With changing regulations and different restrictions on both a federal and state level, it’s important to constantly look up which drugs fall under the umbrella of controlled substances. 

Common Types of Drug Crimes

While drug crimes are commonly seen in the court of law, there are a few types of drug crimes in particular that standout as being the most prominent. These four categories include: 

  1. Drug Trafficking

Starting with the most serious type of drug crime and that which comes with the harshest punishment, drug trafficking is tried as a federal crime. Drug trafficking is when a person has over a certain amount of a controlled substance on their person. This quantity varies from drug-to-drug, though the exact amount is outlined on different government websites. 

  1. Possession of Controlled Substances or Paraphernalia 

The other commonly seen type of drug crime is the possession of a controlled substance or paraphernalia. The difference between possession of a controlled substance and trafficking all comes down to the amount, with possession being any small amount up to a certain degree. Paraphernalia refers to any items associated with the use of controlled substances such as drug baggies, pipes, bongs, or other similar items. 

  1. Possession with Intent to Distribute 

Possession with intent to distribute is having enough of a controlled substance on your person that it is reasonable to assume you are illegally selling it to others as well. This charge is also often assigned when a person is caught in the act of selling a controlled substance to another individual. 

  1. Illegal Manufacturing of Controlled Substances

Finally, manufacturing a controlled substance is a serious charge and not one that should be taken lightly. As the name implies, this refers to making your own version of controlled substances and intending to use or sell those to others. 

Steps to Take When Arrested for a Drug Crime

Nobody wants to find themselves contacting a lawyer due to drug crime charges, but the fact of the matter is that it might happen. Should you find yourself arrested and being charged with one of the above crimes, heed the following three pieces of advice: 

  1. Don’t speak with anyone but your lawyer

Given the severity of drug crime charges and the potential punishments they can result in, it’s best to not speak with anyone besides a lawyer. Even if the police claim they believe you are innocent of the charges and that they just want to talk, wait until there is a lawyer present to ensure the conversation is by the book. 

  1. Don’t tamper or attempt to destroy any evidence

For those caught with drugs on their person, it may feel like instinct to try and throw it away or get rid of it the minute the police officers appear. This is illegal, however, and can result in an additional charge on top of the charges a person is already facing. Never attempt to destroy or get rid of evidence if you are being arrested for a crime. 

  1. Don’t resist or argue with police officers

Finally, never argue or fight with police officers as they arrest you. They are simply doing their job, which is not to be a judge. Your arguments will not make a difference in the fact that they are arresting you, and you may accidentally say something that makes matters worse. 

Protect yourself legally today

Never choose to represent yourself in court when you can simply reach out to an accredited criminal defense lawyer who can do so on your behalf. Facing drug charges is an extremely serious matter and is one which requires the help of a professional to resolve. Regardless of which type of the above crimes you may be facing, don’t hesitate to contact a defense lawyer as soon as you are arrested. 

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