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6 Methods to Grow Your Social Media Reach

Social media has emerged to be an essential part of our daily lives. It has taken over the world by storm and can affect various aspects ranging from awareness of your business to the validity of your influence on people. However, navigating the complex algorithms has been an uphill battle. It is more difficult than ever to reach a wide range of audiences without paying heed to specific criteria that will help your posts to grow and be favoured by the algorithm.

We’ll outline specific methods you can adapt to ensure a greater reach for all your uploads.

1. Focus on your target audience

One of the biggest mistakes that brands and influencers make is ignoring to directly address the targeted audience of their content or product and services. It is essential to know your target audience as they will engage with your posts and uploads the most, boosting your reach and awareness.

You can use various methods to find your target audience, such as creating customer personas that will help you better understand the target demographic, like age, gender, locality, nationality, interests, aspirations, etc. This can help you streamline your content to get better reach and engagement. You can also use the native audience insight tool available on most social media platforms to assist in your research and brainstorming.

Simply put, if you market to the people interested in your product or service instead of marketing it to the general audience, it will increase the chance of a sale.

2. Connect with your audience on their preferred platforms

Once you get the hang of who and what type of audience you want to target, the next step is to figure out where is the maximum amount of traction. You must figure out which social media platform is used most by your targeted audiences. For example, suppose your target demographic is of age 18 – 26. In that case, you must focus on optimizing your content for Instagram or TikTok as it is where the youth spend most of their time compared to other social media platforms. You can use social media monitoring to get the audience data required for social media engagement and campaigns. Try focusing your efforts on the social media platform that yields you the most engagement.

Planning when to post your content can also help extend your social media reach. Posting early mornings on weekdays may show an increased engagement rate. Still, you can use several social media monitoring tools to get more relevant timings for your targeted audience.

3. Create engaging content

Engagement is a key factor in increasing the visibility of your account. Social media algorithms are constantly analysing your content to determine the relevancy of your uploads. This is usually determined by the amount of engagement you receive on your posts and uploads, including likes, shares, comments, saves, and even views if your content format is video. These platforms want to maintain their user’s engagement and thus try to promote relevant content on their platforms to keep their users enticed. If the engagement on your posts is low, then the algorithm will understand that your content isn’t very relevant and wouldn’t push it to a further audience.

Therefore, it is essential to analyse and find out what type of content is working for your audience and is gaining the desired engagement and post more of that type of content. Figure out what is trendy in your target demographic and create your content accordingly to help the algorithm push your content further. Sometimes it might be challenging to garner the desired engagement at the initial stages on major social media platforms like Instagram. Suppose you initially struggle to generate targeted likes on platforms like Instagram. In that case, you can opt for an Instagram likes subscription to aid you in achieving your goals and show an increased engagement rate.

4. Collaborate with influencers and other brands

Influencers or content creators with a similar targeted demographic or audience can introduce your product, service, or content to their followers and create further awareness of your brand, resulting in increased traction. Find a complementary brand, community, or influencer that aligns with your own brand and has a similar targeted audience and reach out to them. If both parties agree to collaborate, you have just opened doors to a new range of potential audiences who can be converted into your engagement. Also, don’t be discouraged if a collaboration doesn’t work out with your first influencer choice. There are a lot of influencers to fish out in the sea of the internet.   

5. Optimize your posts for greater reach

When you share a post or upload content, it is shared with your followers by popping up on their home feed, and sometimes they are even notified of your uploads. But to increase your reach further than your follower base, taking advantage of hashtags, tagging, and locations is integral.

Hashtags are metadata tags prefaced by a hash symbol (#) and are essentially used to group conversations or content surrounding a similar topic. Using hashtags in your posts will help users discover your account while searching for topics with similar interests to your brand. Using trending hashtags in your posts will also help increase your reach, as it is one of the most searched tags at the time. During collaborations, make sure to tag all the parties involved, so you achieve greater exposure for the post. Tagging post locations can also increase the probability of new people stumbling on your post while viewing that location’s landing page.

6. Keep trying new things

Keep it fresh! Try giving your own spin on current trends and topics. Social media marketing greatly relies on trial and error. Gathering data, understanding your audience, and taking calculated risks is essential to increasing your social media reach. Spend time researching and brainstorming ideas for content that will appeal to your audience and try to inculcate similar types of content in your posting cycle.


If you start to imply all these methods while posting your content on social media, you will surely see a rise in your reach. Just ensure you’re constantly analyzing the data and feedback after every post and customizing your content accordingly. Listen to your audience and adjust your content strategically to keep getting soaring results.

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