For a young entrepreneur launching a new business, it is very tempting to consider that ‘dressing for success’ will give you a head start when trying to land new clients. The temptation is that by having that appearance of attainment will automatically generate confidence in your products or services.
But is there any such thing as ‘over dressed’? Can dressing for success actually end up putting off potential clients, rather than drawing them in. In this article we break down the psychology behind what you wear and how you wear it, and make tentative suggestions as to how a young entrepreneur should approach their sartorial decisions.
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The significance of dressing the part when you’re on the way up

You have probably heard the phrase ‘fake it till you make it’ banded about among your networking circles, when talking about overcoming the anxiety of not being good enough. This relates to putting on a façade of confidence, often needed by more inexperienced entrepreneurs who don’t have the level of knowledge and experience that some of their counterparts might have.
A key element of this faking it until you make it is achieved by putting on the uniform of success. If you can give that essential first impression of being professional and credible, then the confidence and belief that you have in your capabilities will follow as a result.
A costume of professionalism
There is a lot to be said for this approach – even the most seasoned of professionals can still feel nervousness and anxiety before a big meeting or presentation. Putting on a dapper business suit is like donning a costumer of professionalism. You are stepping out of the usual role of parent, spouse, and general dogs body in the house, into a role of experienced professional whose value could be worth many thousands.
However, for this to truly work, there are a few hard and fast rules that you need to follow.
- Don’t try to be someone you’re not:
This is probably the biggest mistake that younger, fresher entrepreneurs make – they are so keen to be on that road to success that they try and co-splay it before they are even close. The reason why this is a potentially damaging approach is that it is in direct conflict with who you actually are. You are not so much ‘faking’ it, as giving a completely wrong impression that is never going to resonate with potential clients or investors.
Your best approach is to be comfortable with who you are and what you are, but make sure that you make the effort to be smart and presentable. Nobody is going to expect you to turn up in a Ferrari – in fact such as act will be a major red flag. A simple and subtle men’s silver bracelet is all you need if you want to demonstrate wealth and class. Beyond that the focus needs to be directed onto your product or service.
- Develop your own style
Be comfortable and confident with your own style. While one entrepreneur may feel at their best in a smart designer suit, another may be just as happy in a classic jeans and jacket. While you may be tempted to conform to what you believe are sartorial expectations, you will ultimately be more comfortable just being you.
- Clean and well presented
That being said, don’t rock up to an important meeting looking like you have just rolled out of bed. As a potentially creative genius, you are allowed to flaunt eccentricities. But if you do, make sure that you have all the buttons on a shirt, that anything stained with coffee of tomato ketchup is assigned to the laundry basket, and that you present yourself as groomed, spruced, looking and feeling fresh.
Beyond this, the world is your oyster.
Also Read – Enhancing Employee Morale Through Recognition and Rewards