What is the Law What is the Law

What is the Law? Learning about its Business Development and Lawyers

Since ancient times, law has existed, a slow at first but naturally recurring element in humanity’s history. From ancient Rome to the Americas, the law has always been there, helping to shape the eventual values of our ideas of right and just. But though we may have a general concept of the law, its intricacies and inner workings may still elude us. Which in turn brings me to the purpose of writing this article: what exactly is the law?

What is it?

The law itself, has been described as ‘the discipline and profession concerned with the customs, practices, and rules of conduct of a community that are recognized as binding’. To put it simply, it is the code of ethics and rules of conduct that a community such as a nation, are obliged to follow. For each nation, the rules may be different from one another, save one simple rule: that it must be followed. 

What’s the History?

As stated earlier, the history of the law’s initial conception goes far back in time, even so far back as 3000 BC in ancient Egypt. Whether or not this was the first occurrence of the law can be debated, but it was indeed one of the firsts. There have been other sightings and recorded mentions of the law, from the Roman empire and its senate to the aftermath of the American Revolution and the formation of its Congress. And as we all know, it is still present and relevant to this very day.

What is its Purpose?

As stated earlier, the purpose of thelaw is to provide order and organization to a community through a set of rules; rules that help to offer a stabilizing and enforced structure to the economy. It helps ensure peace, justice,stability, and regulation to thepeople and their community.It helps to build a path for society to resolve arguments and disputes, while all the while helping to maintain a functioning society. See more here

Who Practices it?

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As it’s a part of our economy, the law needs those to practice it and uphold its views. These practitioners can come in the form of police officers or judges, however the group that is most associated with the actual practice of law are lawyers, or attorneys. These individuals are those who are licensed professionals in the subject, offering counsel and presenting representation to others in legal matters. When it comes to the law, these are the actual faces of its presentation. 

And they are a popular face at that. Since 2020, there have been a reported number of over 1.3 million lawyers in the United States alone. That number, which is already large, is sure to keep on growing. 

Lawyers practice the law as either independent agents, or as part of a bigger organization such as firms. These firms, which employsa number of lawyers that are trained and enrolled in the purpose of the legal practice, are popular and abundant almost everywhere in the world, particularly the United States. 

Why are they so Successful?

Being a lawyer is a lucrative practice in today’s business world. High salaries, social status and prestige, opportunities for advancement, are among many of the reasons why many wish to become lawyers. Business firms are much the same, and no less successful. They employ these lawyers and help train them in the practice. The methods may vary, but they can range anywhere from paying for college tuition to involving others in workshops like Coaching Circle to help develop their skills. 

What are the Benefits?

The benefits of law practice vary, but they can include the following:

  1. Money- lawyers can be paid anywhere between $73,000-145,000 dollars annually
  1. Helping others- championing the cause of a fair trial and equal representation are key tenets to those who may be wishing to become a lawyer
  1. Morals- having a firm moral compass about the law and why you practice it. Whether it’s the idealism, the foundations upon which the legal system was founded upon, etc. 

How to Become a Lawyer?

Becoming a lawyer is no small feat, and no less ambitious in its scale. To be one varies from country to country, but the process usually involves following these basic steps:

  1. Earn a Bachelor’s degree
  2. Attend law school
  3. Take the LSAT (Law School Admission Test)
  4. Earn a Juris Doctor Degree
  5. Pass the bar examination


As you can see, the law and the practice of it has become a cornerstone in our world’s economical and judicial structure. It is a practice that brings law, order, and stability to those under it. And for those who practice it, they are given a responsibility and position that many aspire to. For this and more, the legal system, its practitioners, and the businesses that house them, are a key part of the judicial system, and will be for some time yet. For more information about the law and lawyers, please visit https://www.americanbar.org/groups/public_education/resources/public-information/what-is-a-lawyer-/

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