Home Health Three Life Hacks to Improve Your Health

Three Life Hacks to Improve Your Health

Your health is one of the most important aspects of your life. You might have the best career, the best relationship, and the best hobbies – however – you won’t be able to enjoy any of them if your health suffers. Although you might know intellectually that your health is important; however, when you get busy with work and life, the first thing that you do is to let go of your health.

You might stop sleeping properly, eating properly, working out, and doing a whole bunch of other things that are crucial for better health.

The following hacks will help you improve your health.

Get Enough Sleep

At least one out of three people is sleep-deprived. You might want to follow one simple hack to improve your sleep, which is also known as the “3-2-1” strategy. Let us break down this simple yet highly effective method. The “3” in this strategy implies that you will want to stop eating at least three hours before bedtime.

The “2” in this strategy implies that you will want to stop drinking liquids at least two hours before your bedtime. You might already know that you should not drink caffeine in the evening. Try to have your last cup of coffee before noon. However, you will want to avoid drinking water and any other liquid at least two hours before bedtime because any liquid that you might drink before bedtime can decrease the quality of your sleep.

You might have already guessed it – the “1” in this method incorporates that you will want to avoid using tech gadgets and screen time in general at least one hour before bedtime.

Get Enough Daily Steps

Your body needs movement, which is why it might be a great idea to start counting your steps and ensuring that you get enough daily steps. If you are reading this article, there is a great chance that you have a job that requires you to sit down all day.

Physical inactivity can massively increase your chances of dying early. As a rule of thumb, you might want to get at least ten thousand steps in a day. By walking more and taking more daily steps, you can decrease the risk of all-cause mortality.

There are several things that you can incorporate in your life to boost your daily count of steps. For instance, instead of emailing your colleagues, you might want to walk over to their desks. Also, you might want to opt for parcels delivery that don’t deliver at your doorstep but someplace away where you can walk or cycle to retrieve your regular packages. Instead of driving to your workplace, you might want to walk, run, or use a cycle to get to work.

These tiny changes can render you great benefits and surely boost your health. You can use an app or a smartwatch to count your daily steps and ensure that you get to move your body as much as you want to.

Integrate Flexibility and Mobility

Another simple yet effective method to boost your health is about integrating flexibility and mobility. Various studies indicate that if you have a baseline level of flexibility and mobility, it can boost your health in various ways.

For instance, a certain level of flexibility can decrease the potential risk of injury when you are exercising, which is a good thing. You can improve your heart rate, blood pressure, and other related illnesses when you stretch every day – irrespective of your age and gender.

For instance, if you are in your 40s and you work a 9-5 where you are required to sit in front of your computer the entire day, it might be a better idea for you to get up and stretch every hour to improve vascular endothelial functioning.

So, stretching is great for middle-aged to older adults but also for younger adults. There are several ways you can incorporate stretching into your life. You can choose one of the best apps out there that will tell you a stretching routine to do every day, which is basically a 20-minute thing, which means that you can easily incorporate it into your daily life.

You can also stretch before bedtime. All you need to do is roll out your yoga mat at least half an hour before bedtime and enjoy some nice static stretches. Make sure to play nice relaxing music in the background while you are enjoying your stretches and taking a proactive step towards better health and a better life.

If you look at it, you see that stretches are a nice way to wind down your evenings, and it also kind of doubles as a meditative thing, as well, because you can literally switch off your mind while you stretch, relax, and enjoy the connection with your body. Stretches will also allow you to improve your flexibility and mobility through passive stretches that don’t take much effort.

Also Read – How to Care for Fifth Wheel Hitches?

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